Checklist of documents to carry during the trip

  • RT-PCR report (Should include QR code) – Take 3 prints
  • FMM form online application (Take a print of this after filling it. You might be asked to fill in the physical form again, but you can use the pre-filled online application to fill it out faster and correctly). Official Website: Check full guide on how to fill FMM form –
  • Hotel Booking confirmation in Mexico
  • India to Mexico flight ticket
  • Mexico to US flight ticket (Take 2 prints – This is mandatory, they will ask at Hyd, Delhi, Paris and Mexico – everywhere)
  • SRF Departure (Need to fill up this form and print) –
  • Travel Declaration form (Need to fill up this form and print)
  • Health Questionnaire form (Need to fill out 12 hours before landing in Mexico. Needs to be filled in the Paris Layover) –

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How many days in Mexico ? 14 days or 15 days or 16 days in Mexico ?

Please stay 15 nights in Mexico as it can be interpreted by immigration officers in different ways like 14 non-travel days etc. Heard some horror stories of airport staff sending people back from Airport and they had no hotel with so much luggage to find a new hotel room and settle for 1 more day.

How many hours before should we take the RTPCR test when departing India ?

Please take RTPCR test 48 hours before departure to be on safer side. It keeps changing b/w 72 hours and 48 hours.

Is it not risky to avoid taking test until 48 hours ? May be I should enquire If I can take the test before 72 hours ?

It shouldn’t be risky. In fact to avoid any risk of airlines stopping you to board flight citing a new rule again that it should be latest to 48 hours – you should be able to give test 48 hours before get test results in 24 hours at max so you will still have results 24 hours before your trip starts.

Do you need to Quarantine in Mexico ?

No. You don’t have to quarantine. Free to roam in Mexico or Stay put in any hotel of your choice.

Do I need a Mexico Visa ?

At the Mexican port of entry, a valid US visa gets you a visa on arrival valid for up to six months (180 days) or less.

How did you book tickets ? Self or Agency ?

I would suggest booking tickets by yourself.

Why ?

  1. Travel Agencies charges you more
  2. They won’t refund you If you cannot make to the Trip [Flight booked through MakeMyTrip had generous refund terms and Hotel booked through had similar generous refund terms so for any reason you cannot travel you won’t loose much money]
  3. Travel agencies only take care of the full booking.

Which insurance plan did you choose ? Why ?

INF BMI plan because they are operated in US (+1), coverage in both Mexico and USA, COVID coverage and more.

Are we allowed (with someone on US Tourist visa) to have a layover in one of the US airports while flying from India to Mexico?

No you cannot transit through US. US wont allow entry unless you are outside of India for 14 days even for transiting through US.

Can I book with multiple stop overs from India to the USA via Mexico Trip ?

You are allowed to travel via single hop in Schengen countries without Transit Visa. While technically possible as there are flight routes with multiple stop overs/hops but you require a transit visa when you have more than 1 hop across 2 countries in Schengen countries i.e. You can travel via Paris, via Germany, via Amsterdam but you cannot travel let’s say via Paris and Amsterdam to Mexico w/o transit visa.

Possible routes for India to Mexico:

  1. India -> Frankfurt, Germany -> USA [Allowed without Transit Visa]
  2. India -> Paris, France -> Mexico [Allowed without Transit Visa]
  3. India -> Paris -> Amsterdam -> Mexico [Not allowed without Transit Visa so avoid or you need to apply for Transit visa]

Which Airlines can I book ?

Air France / Delta / KLM group is an option as well as Lufthansa.

Should I get wheelchair for my Parents ?

It’s especially useful during transit as the terminals for arrival and departure are different and the staff brings the passengers to the correct point. Have some tip to give to the wheelchair assistant.

It is requested to avoid non essential use of this facility as the Wheelchairs are available in low numbers.

Can I carry high value items like Gold ?

The customs officer are checking for valuables in hand bags and luggage, so my recommendation is to avoid carrying any high value items. I wouldn’t take any valuables through Mexico.

Is National Interest Exception (NIE) required to travel to USA during travel ban ?

NIE is not required if you stay outside of India for 14 days in any third country which includes Dubai, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Mexico City and others which allow Indians to go via them. But If your request to NIE gets approved you can directly fly to US without have to go and stay in a third country for 14 days.

Do we need any transit visa to travel through Paris incase of Air France or Frankfurt in the case of Germany ?

No you don’t need one. For both Frankfurt and Paris doesn’t need any transit visa If you have a valid US visa since you won’t be leaving the terminal.

Is there any quarantine rule for Indians in Mexico ?

No, at the moment there is no Quarantine rule for anyone flying from India to Mexico

Airport Pickup / drop to hotel ?

You have multiple options.

  1. Hyatt provides third-party cab service
  2. Book at cab
  3. Uber is available in both Mexico City and Cancun

Trip cost estimate ?

About 3500 US dollars in our case. Check my full trip cost estimate blog post here:

Luggage transfer in BOM/DEL or will it be checked in until final destination ?

For AirFrance with route HYD -> DEL -> Paris -> MEX the luggage was checked-in to final destination.

Do we need to pay for Checked-in luggage for Trip from Mexico to USA?

Yes unlike other international flights you need to pay for checked-in luggage. It depends on Airlines you choose. Generally it is $30 for first checked bag and $40 for second checked bag so pack accordingly If you don’t want to pay for checked baggage.

Is Rapid Antigen Test accepted to enter US after 14 day’s stay in Mexico.

Yes! Rapid antigen test is acceptable. Go for Antigen test for reason it is cheaper and faster turn around time as well.

Do they require RTPCR/Antigen before flying to USA again?

Yes it is mandatory. However they accept a simpler Antigen test so you can avoid RTPCR test and also save some money.

Where can I get Antigen test done ?

You can check with hotel receiption and they can arrange you in-room service.

International calling on Roaming ?

Airtel prepaid IR pack works. Our research showed that it is more reliable and better service than some of the standalone operators.

Customs and Immigration at US

My personal experience –


  1. How long are you planning to stay in US

Should we book your Mexico to US ticket while you are in India ?

Absolutely yes. 2 important things to keep in mind:

  1. Airlines staff can check in India and may decide to stop from Boarding since you don’t have a plan of return from Mexico.
  2. Mexico immigration almost certainly checks your Mexico to US ticket before granting you to enter Mexico

I am going for my Daughter (Daughter-in-law) Delivery. Can I convey the same in Immigration ?

They won’t be fond to hear that so de-emphasize and emphasize on other reasons for travel i.e. to meet family and tourism. Remember don’t give false information. In this case the 2 reasons i.e. Family and Tourism is still absolutely true.

Do I need to get vaccinated with Covaxin / Covishield before I travel from India to USA via Mexico ?

No. Proof of vaccination is not needed. In fact Mexico doesn’t even need RT-PCR test for entry to Mexico. Also you are free to roam. Mexico doesn’t ask you to quarantine at the hotel.

My Personal Trip Details

Airlines I booked for my India to US Trip:

  1. Ticket 1: Air France: HYD-> DEL -> CDG, Paris -> MEX, MEXICO
  2. Ticket 2: American Airlines: MEX -> Dallas

How much did I need to pay for Luggage from MEX -> Dallas Flight ?

0 Dollars. My son upgraded my Ticket to Business after getting the fact we need to pay for checked-in Luggage. The business class upgrade was about $160 and Baggage fees was $70 so he decided to upgrade as the difference was $90 and the benefits were:

  1. Faster check-in at Airport
  2. Priority Security Check
  3. Priority Boarding to flight


  1. Google Translate is very useful. Download it in advance and also download English – Spanish conversion offline.
  2. Parent doesn’t need Mexican visa to enter Mexico if they already have US b2 visa
  3. There are no quarantine requirements in Mexico and you are free to go out of your hotel
  4. So far, no proof of vaccination is required but carry the vaccination card for best
  5. Don’t get confused when you hear different names for the same place in Mexico. Ciudad de México = Mexico City = Capital of Mexico
  6. To be on the safe side most people we know stayed for 15 nights i.e. 16 Days including Day of Arrival and Day of Departure.
  7. Both Paris and Mexico City Airport have WIFI in Airport so WhatsApp and Google Duo will work for calling

WA Groups

Group NameGroup LinkDescription
India to USA via Mexico WA Group personal WA Group for all travel related queries for India to the USA via Mexico trip
Hyatt House, Mexico City Group If you also plan to stay at Hyatt House, Mexico City
Rashmi Indian Grocery Store WhatsApp Group order groceries in Mexico City
Hyatt Food Group Anju To order Indian food to Hotel in Mexico City
WA Group Links

Video with my Son answering all the Frequently asked questions on India to USA via Mexico during Travel Ban

Video I made with Fellow Indians about India to USA via Mexico staying at Hyatt to share our Travel experience and stay at Hyatt Hotel

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4 thoughts on “India to USA via Mexico Q&A | Flight & Hotel Booking | Immigration | Mexico Hotel Experience”

    • Thank you for the comment Ramya. Is it people like you who encourage me to take all this effort to help fellow travelers. God bless your family as well 😀

  1. Thanks sreedevi for information, I want detailed travel report from starting point to ending point. From which air port you started and lay over time ,in which air port immigration was done? Is it possible to take help from others from air port for new commercial?


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