Must have travel apps for a smoother trip in Mexico

These apps help your life easier in Mexico

Google Translate

Most mexicans don’t speak English. Google Translate would be a savior since it does a good job with translating English to Spanish.

Tips to use Google Tranlsate on your trip via Mexico 

  1. Download the app ahead. You don’t want to use limited data plan or slow internet issues stopping you to download while in Journey.
  2. Download the Translations ahead. Even If you don’t have a data plan or your data plan doesn’t work since you download the translations ahead you will find most used trsanslations already available

Uber Eats

Most of us Indians are familiar with Uber Eats and I guess you have used at least once to order food in India and USA. I am glad to say Uber Eats is also available in both Mexico City and Cancun for ordering food in both the popular destinations in Mexico for Indians travelling to USA via Mexico during the pandemic to beat travel ban which restricts direct travel for Indains to USA


  1. If your elderly parents are travelling, please walk through all available restaurants near the hotel you booked for them, research food options to discuss with them and show them how to order with Uber Eats. You can always emulate your Mexico destination address by selecting it as your current Location.


Yes Uber is readily available and it is very helpful since Uber is readily avilable even at odd hours in both Mexico City and Cancun.


  1. Make sure you order UberXL to avoid risk of getting a Mini Car which cannot fit your travel bags especially those 2 checkin bags which are big for some cars.

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